小说网 > 历史小说 > 春日升温


作者: 木木森林


更新时间: 2024-03-29 20:00:35 [共字]

最新: 11 Are you like this?

26324最新小说请到www.newxs84.com:1.秘书太漂亮容易出事,尤其当老板还单身。    许佳佳从没想过,她平顺普通的人生,会在进入澜季酒店之后变得刺激起来。    老板矜冷,有着一副绝佳的皮相。    许佳佳觉得,各取所需,挺好。    2.她知道他是不属于她的,    果然,那天他向全公司内外公布了即将联姻的消息。    许佳佳重新审视自己,单身,且有钱,什么帅哥她泡不到,生活真美好。    3.顶级豪车里,许佳佳嘴被亲得红肿。    许佳佳推开季廷礼:“季廷礼,你疯了!”    季廷礼重新凑过去:“很疯,将来还会更疯。”    4.后来他才明白,    原来那些勉强自己出现在篮球场和聚餐地的行为。    都只是为了寻求她偶尔不经意停留的目光。    所幸,那个人正在旁安睡。    ――“南城冬天冷,你那么怕冷,以后都在香港过冬吧。”    商人重利,但人这一辈子,总得为一个人不计得失。    男主公布的恋爱为假,他身心自始至终都属于女主。    ――从事业咖到恋爱脑男主&清醒女主    防盗80%,感谢宝子们支持~...59262
《 春日升温》最新章节(提示:已启用缓存技术,最新章节可能会延时显示,登录书架即可实时查看)
11 Are you like this?
10 Maybe have happened
9 Other people of his life
8 We didnt thought about it
7 Once upon a time
6 Nearly missed you
5 Obstacles of the love
4 Breaking into your world
3 When I approach you
2 When I meet you
1 楔子
《 春日升温》 正文
1 楔子
2 When I meet you
3 When I approach you
4 Breaking into your world
5 Obstacles of the love
6 Nearly missed you
7 Once upon a time
8 We didnt thought about it
9 Other people of his life
10 Maybe have happened
11 Are you like this?